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Garage Doors in Masterton, Wellington area
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Our address
137 Lincoln Road,
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 377 3676
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Expertised in Garage Doors
Installation, Renovations, Repairs
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Masterton, Masterton Area
Additional info
Service Calls, Quotes, Cedar, Steel, Residential, Commercial, Rolling Steel, Sectional, Security, Insulated, Automation
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Garador are:
Closed now
Opens in 13 Hr 2 Min
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Overlocker blade sharpening
“Very appreciative that Robert was able to sharpen my overlocker blade while I waited. Thank you also for going the extra mile and getting the door to close properly too.”
In need of help
“when i was younger i had a problem with a business partner ,Mr Vlatkovich read my file and rung me ,i told him my story and he sorted it no fuss no drama and i never meet a nicer man i would never use a nuther law firm as there honesty and integrity was awsum and has always been the same,i could never write well enough to give the praise i feel thanks always ty”
“Had their t/aways before, but last night..eew chicken chow mein, the taste was lovely, except: hardly any chicken, 1 coin size round of carrot halved and tough, large chunks of cauli quite firm, old broccoli it was going yellow underneath eewww, onion was lovely, appearance was horrid. Also had two spring rolls, eeeww, consisted of mince, some corn kernels and some peas, no shredded cabbage, flavour ok, but certainly not a spring roll, the pastry itself was good, I guess they made them.”
“Such a lovely atmosphere and person. Very professional and knowledgeable. Highly recommend. ”
“Jayne was so nice when we first met but on my actual wedding day she was miserable, hardly smiled & missed important photo's that can never be taken again. Think twice before getting her to capture your special day.”