GJP Electrical Limited
Electricians in Auckland area
Quality electrical service for over 30 yrs
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Our address
Mt Roskill
North Island
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 828 8447
021 740257
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Services offered since 1993
Electric Wires and Cables, Electrical Inspections, Electrical Switchgear, Lighting, Home & Garden, LED lighting, switchboard upgrades, electrical repair, grey lynn electrician, ponsonby electrician, auckland electricianmaster electrician
Expertised in Electricians
LED lighting, Downlights, Switchboard Upgrades, Electrical Repairs & Maintenance
Areas serviced
Central Auckland suburbs, Grey Lynn, Mt Eden, Epsom, St Lukes, One Tree Hill etc
Payment options
Cash, Direct Credit
Additional info
Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Connections, Lighting, Appliances
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business GJP Electrical Limited are:
Today: 07:30am-05:00pm
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About GJP Electrical Limited
Master Electrician and business owner, Gary Philpott offers a professional, personal approach, so you can rely on GJP Electrical to be compliance and safety focused; offering expert advice backed with an electrical workmanship guarantee of up to $20,000. Operating since 1993 providing high quality electrical services to central Auckland suburbs, specialising in top of the range LED lighting, switchboard upgrades, electrical repairs and maintenance, issuing electrical CoC’s. Call today or email us if we can help with an electrical repair or new installation – we’re happy to help!
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“Did great work, in quick time, and made our garden look great. Will hire again and would recommend. ”
Great job done
“Excellent job on our new water tanks he did 6 on site very clean and all hook up again.”
Guys y'all need to come and eat there Ka
“A little slow but the Kai Is on point whanau”
The Best
“This is the best and easiest ice to use, by far, because of the size and shape of the cubes.”