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Futonz Natural Bedding
Beds and Bedding in Gisborne area
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Our address
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0508 388 669
09 813 0894
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Services offered since 2000
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Gisborne, Gisborne Area
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Personal Cheques, EFTPOS
Additional info
Queen Beds, Double Beds, Pillows, Mattresses, Duvets, Bedding, Bedrooms, Latex, Sofa Beds, Slat Beds, Futons, Baby Beds, Handcrafted, Environmentally Friendly, Design Mobel
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Futonz Natural Bedding are:
Closed now
Opens in 14 Hr 2 Min
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“I am a busy mother of 5 children. Multiple times I have put my back out or my neck either during pregnancy or if I've lifted something too heavy. Lynette at Hobsonville Chiropractor has been incredible at helping my body to go back to normal, Lynnette seriously has saved me from having to deal with excruciating pain, she is highly professional nd really cares. My 5 kids get adjusted a few times a year. I find they sleep better and their moods are much better after their appointments.”
“She is not representing my son Trent Arapere very well, the judge should have all references & follow ups on him, although he has breached this time he has stayed off the drugs, out of trouble & tried to seek employment, striving to do well, I feel this should be reflected in a summary to the judge Marina, or shall we seek other options...Ps: are you or have you specialized in criminal law”
Best coffee ever! our
“Just had to buy the beans after trying the coffee in a lovely wee cafe in Terau. I have almost finished my packet of plunger ccoffee and dont want to drink any other brand so trying to order some on line!”