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Fresh As
Freeze Drying in Auckland area
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43A Linwood Ave,
New Zealand
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09 307 3348
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Opens in 13 Hr 13 Min
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“Our dog loves going here, no doubt due to the care and attention he receives! We highly recommend Canine Co. ”
Delivery and installation of dishwasher
“These guys were amazing! Really friendly and so good at their jobs, we have tricky access to house and the old dishwasher was hard to remove but they got on and did it quickly and didn’t leave a mess. Thank you!!”
“don't choose them cause all they are thinking is rob your money.”
A scoundrel and a drunk
“I had to pick him up from the bus station, he seemed a bit eccentric at first however once i got him into work on the piano I noticed that he was drunk. He dropped glue all over the keys, flattened the piano making it worse than it was. He needs professional help. He should be struck off as a piano tuner. Future clients BEWARE!”