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Fix It Building Services
Builders in Auckland area
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Our address
7 Douglas Alexander Parade,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 226 349
027 455 2752
04 5660297
Our fax
09 9251106
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Services offered since 2013
Bathroom Design, Builders
Expertised in Builders
New Houses, New Construction,Waterproofing, Repairs, Maintenance, Framing, Fitting, Finishing, Fabrication, Extensions, Custom Designing, Consulting, Co
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Onehunga, Manukau, Albany, Howick, Mt Roskill, St Heliers, Henderson, Manurewa, Remuera Auckland, Remuera, Auckland City
Additional info
Plumbers, Painters, Design Builders, Builders, Consultations, By Appointment, Energy Efficient
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Fix It Building Services are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Absolutely fantastic service. Grief just makes you feel so special, its spotless & an all round delight to go too.”
“We have hired him twice over the last two years (we have dogs), and he does an amazing job for a great price. ”
This website is a scam
“The information on this website about McLay Plastering is inaccurate and the review fake. It is bait to make companies list with the service - at a price. For accurate information and reviews go to No Cowboys. Service Finder has been reported to Netsafe and Consumer NZ.”
“Unfortunately this group are founded and corner stoned in the believe of segregation. Even though they are a psychologist group they do not respect individuality or personal views and would rather belittle people and their views. Psychologist duty are to respect people and their views, to help them grow, to be non judgemental and supportive in a safe space. It seems in this group of psychologist personal views are more important than client/patient health and well-being”
Poor work and unprofessional behaviour
“They replaced my driveway and now my car scapes entering and exiting, council failed the surface water drainage they installed and HK Concreting (Phil Hurrell) went from we’ll fix it to ignoring my calls and emails. Look elsewhere.”