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Finns Paekakariki
Hotels and Taverns in Paekakariki, Wellington area
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Our address
2 Beach Road,
Wellington, Kapiti Coast, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 292 8081
Our fax
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Our website
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Services offered
Holiday Accommodation, Hotels and Taverns
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Paekakariki, Kapiti
Additional info
Bottle Shops, Casino, Restaurant, Bar, Cafe, Buffets, Beer, Phones, Air Conditioning, Microwave Ovens, Clothes Dryers, Cooking Facilities, Coffee Makers, Internet Access, Newspapers
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Finns Paekakariki are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Nothing superior about these cowboys
“Had a unit done at mount by these guys April 2021 and my vacuum or $40 rug doctor do a better job but charged $195 we had to get another- but professional company no and boy what a difference”
Doesn't need the business
“Rang for a quote twice. Didn't bother turning up either time”
“Went to buy a dry bag this morning and a knife as I'm heading away sailing for 2 weeks. Lots of staff around starting their tills or vacuuming but mainly talking. I found a bag a then headed to the knives. Found the one I wanted but although some staff were close they were busy leaning on the counter talking. After looking around for help and know one showing the slightest interest I left. This is to help not condemn as there are so many options on line and your staff need to acknowledge people”
Disgusted in this company
“It is with disgust that i've learned you supported the "dawn raids" at parliament this morning. Your actions will embolden violence against innocent and vulnerable people, who is asking a government to listen to them. It is shameful that working class people working for Hammond will sell their souls to a government who is undermining their own people.”
Guys y'all need to come and eat there Ka
“A little slow but the Kai Is on point whanau”