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Feet First Podiatry
Podiatrists in Canterbury Region area
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Our address
37 Main South Rd Upper Riccarton Christchurch 8042,
Canterbury Region
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 348 7910
0800 587 886
Our fax
03 348 8887
Our website
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Feet First Podiatry are:
Open Now
Today: 08:30am-05:00pm
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“Dr Chang is a dangerous practioner, who refuses to listen to paitents or apply a standard of care, center managment will not feild complaints regarding his conduct, is the focus of multiple serious complaints”
“have just tried to install tekapo towel rail. Instructions are wrong on box, most annoying. the screwholes need to be sideways not vertical in order to fit the rail..l”
“One of their drivers on 15th June 2020 in Kumeu at 10.12 am refused to stop having terrorised other motorists at the traffic lights and badly damaged my car. He denies he was there. Photo shows him.”
“I wish someone would answer the phone or ring back I have rung all 3 numbers and only Philip answers on the answerphone but has not returned my call.Very disappointing. Joy Mckenzie”