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Fat Badgers Pizza
Pizzas in Queenstown, Otago area
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Our address
27 Shotover Street,
Otago, Queenstown Lakes, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 409 2591
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Fat Badgers Pizza are:
Closed now
Opens in 13 Hr 42 Min
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Dismissive and rude
“Debbie (owner)replied to my enquiry of 5 question with a dismissive answer of “No sorry”. Very unhelpful. Only got 1 star because I had to give them something to post review”
You have some wicked courage
“Providing help for both communities so the protesters can protest and everybody else can keep on keeping on.”
“Recommend great installer Honest straight up and get the job done on time and under budget”
“We hielden absoluut van de stille discobox-ervaring! Het maakte het feest nog specialer en zo, zo leuk! De levering was precies zoals gepland en alles is goed gepland.”
Manual sign in
“Have been into this Supermarket twice in past 2 weeks and there is no mandatory manual sign in place. Both New World and PaknSave Hastings have a person asking if people have signed in and directing people to the facilities. Hardly anybody in the queue this morning were using the QR code. It is MANDATORY to do so and this is not being followed. Will boycott the supermarket till action is taken to rectify this.”