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Farrah Breads Limited
Food Manufacturers in Upper Hutt, Wellington area
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Our address
12 Shakespeare Avenue,
Upper Hutt
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 934 3829
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Our website
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Farrah Breads Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 33 Min
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Superb service over many years.
“I don’t know how Geoff does it but when he has been it is as though there is no glass in my windows they are so clean!!”
“Clint and Jimmy provided excellent customer service and advice when they stretched a ski boot outer to cater for deformed foot. Also added extra padding above Arch to restrain foot better= Success”
“Wow what a terrific variety of lollies, in this beautiful quaint Victorian Sweet Shop. Staff are fab too. Its a happy place to be. They have my favourite & some that you can only get there 🍭”
“Blatant Wrong Change by $20.00. My 83 year old Aunt from Melbourne gave a $50.00 note to purchase items worth $26.00. Change amount should have been $24.00 but she is given on $4.00. Yes $4.00. ”