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Evolution Gas and Plumbing Limited
Plumbers in Taranaki area
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Our address
New Plymouth 4343,
New Zealand
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027 538 6583
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Animals are constantly ill treated.
“To many animals are mistreated here. Read all reviews and then their website. States they are animal lovers but there is a difference between loving animals and understanding animals. Cooper was a intact 6 month old boarder collie who was left unsupervised with adults. Unfortunately he suffered over 100 bite marks around his body in a attack that the owners call "seconds".”
Wouldn’t use
“Weird guy, really into Trump. Mediocre painter who thinks he’s the shit. Seems to have a high opinion of himself and is condescending, has a victim complex and is creepy. Beware ladies!”
Numbers posted are not working
“The contact numbers on this ad are not working. The mobile number listed is wrong and does not have any relation to this framer. Please remove this ad from your database.”
Danger Is Ok?
“Manuka St Castlecliff , Payne trucks often at cattle run across entire road so anyone coming round corner of Mill Rd into Manuka St cannot see what is coming at all, must not only cross onto the wrong side of the road but onto the grass verge to get around. The seeing distance does not exist. There exists a real danger, regularly. Why no traffic safety people when blocking the road like this? Is it legal to park across a now busy public road creating a danger with no safety plans are used?”
“These guys are fantastic, I had an Accident in my mustang and these guys made such an incredible job of repairing it, attention to detail and finish was perfect. In fact I think it’s better than befor”