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Camping Equipment in Hamilton, Waikato area
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Our address
62 Killarney Road,
Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 829 8476
021 748448
Our fax
07 8298476
Our website
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Services offered since 2003
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Frankton, Hamilton
Payment options
Cash, VISA, Travellers Cheques, Personal Cheques, MasterCard, Gift Vouchers, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), EFTPOS, Credit Terms Avail
Additional info
Menswear, Leggings, Leg Warmers, Gas Stoves, Boots, Clothing, Hiking Boots, Sleeping Bags, Luggage, Outdoor Clothing, Tents, Hydration Packs, Backpacks, Mosquito Nets, Merino
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business EquipOutdoors are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 21 Min
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Wouldn’t use
“Weird guy, really into Trump. Mediocre painter who thinks he’s the shit. Seems to have a high opinion of himself and is condescending, has a victim complex and is creepy. Beware ladies!”
Manual sign in
“Have been into this Supermarket twice in past 2 weeks and there is no mandatory manual sign in place. Both New World and PaknSave Hastings have a person asking if people have signed in and directing people to the facilities. Hardly anybody in the queue this morning were using the QR code. It is MANDATORY to do so and this is not being followed. Will boycott the supermarket till action is taken to rectify this.”
Went to him few years ago he was AMAZING
“Miss His Treatments and Guidance.I don’t drive anymore now.and it’s very difficult to get out to his rooms. BUT would definitely encourage folk to go see him with physical and mental health challenges. Miss you Johnny.”
Equestrians who know their stock
“Very helpful and friendly staff that found a good solution for me. I recommend this Saddlery.”