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Epsom Dentists
Dentists in Auckland area
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Our address
325 Manukau Road,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 630 6883
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Services offered since 1994
Dental Clinics, Dentists
Expertised in Dentists
Teeth Whitening, Teeth Cleaning, Preventive Care, Check-ups, Straightening, Sedation, Bleaching
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Epsom, Auckland City
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, Credit Terms Available, EFTPOS, Cash, Financing Available
Additional info
Dental Hygienists, Implants, Fillings, Extractions, White Fillings, Veneers, Scaling, Root Canals, Oral Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Laser Dentistry, Orthodontics, Chinese Speaking, Crowns, Implant Retained Dentures, Invisalign, Dentures, Caps, Bridges, Braces
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Epsom Dentists are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 18 Min
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Panelbeaters team
“Thanks to Colin and the team for repairing my car. Important to support local businesses.”
“Don’t share any personal information with them. There was a serious breach of privacy resulting in an official ID document being publicly avaiable on their website.”
Absolute thief,
“Overpriced and known to sleep with clients for extra business”
“Ian Rapson is the dirty deed dirt cheap nasty doctor of NZ who will ruin your health at any opportunity possible! He is a dirty scummy old man who has been charged with sexual misconduct. Disgusting!”