Emcare Services
Training Services in Auckland area
Quality Medical Training
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Our address
331 Rosedale Road
New Zealand
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0800 362 273
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Services offered since 1986
Health and Fitness Centres, Beauty, Care & Health, Acls Course NZ, New Zealand Resuscitation Council, First Aid Course Christchurch
Expertised in Training Services
Medical Services Training
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Opens in 1 Hr 59 Min
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About Emcare Services
Providing education to the resuscitation community since its establishment in 1986. The original slogan of ‘empowering people to save lives since 1986’ has been replaced by ‘Saving Lives Made Simple’, which we believe better captures the philosophy of Emcare and its instructors. We believe that making the training as simple as possible means that when skills are required, there is less to remember for individuals that do not resuscitate routinely and need skills beyond traditional First Aid courses. The Emcare team are all experienced health care professionals who practice clinically what they teach. We are passionate about what we do - saving lives through quality education and clinical practice. We think that’s not a bad way to spend our day! We only employ professional health care staff (Doctors, Nurses, Ambulance Officers, Paramedics and Intensive Care Paramedics) all of whom are experts in their field and have up to date, hands on clinical experience.
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Hopeless Customer Contact
“You cannot call an individual store. You have to contact a call centre who will pass on your enquiry. This is 2023, not 1823.”
“Constant stream of misleading promises....3 weeks and still waiting for a delivery from Auckland to Napier ....use someone else they are useless”
Lazy unhelpful staff
“When you go in on a Saturday morning to buy parts for a Metro fire and told by the female staff member to come back on Monday because she doesn’t know the product code and she wasn’t even prepared to look the code up on the store computer. What is the point of having someone working in the store when they are too lazy to help a customer and they they don’t know what they’re doing? I told her I’ll go around to Mitre 10 and she replied “ that’s fine.””
“I love the lime juice! Had a taste at the Kiwigrass festival in Hamilton. ”