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Edwards Darryn and Andrea
General Business in New Plymouth area
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Our address
3 Burgess Hill Rd,
New Plymouth
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 769 9928
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Edwards Darryn and Andrea are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 38 Min
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Obnoxious and unprofessional.
“Top coat were doing a job at the neighboring house and had their music excessively loud. When asked to turn it down we were told to fuck off. Don't use these cowboys.”
“In my 35 yrs building I have never seen such shoddyThis company needs to be taken to fair go. Total cowboys. Stay away from randle house movers. 245 for a wrecked house that won't pass building code. ”
“Did not bring the right tools to the job and still charged. Peter seems like someone who will fleece you for every penny”