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Dryden Woodoil
Painting and Decorating Supplies in Auckland area
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Our address
14 Halver Road,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 448 1335
0800 379 336
Our fax
+64 9 448 1339
Our website
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Services offered
Garage Doors, Paint and Varnish Manufacturers, Painting and Decorating Supplies
Expertised in Painting and Decorating Supplies
Protective Coating, Waterproofing, Paint Protection, Decorating, Renovations, Repairs
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Auckland City, Orewa, Albany, Howick, Henderson, Mt Roskill, St Heliers, Manukau, Manurewa Auckland, Manurewa
Additional info
Coatings, Wet Coatings, Sprayers, Surfactants, Garages, Oil, Residential, Commercial, Exterior, Weatherboards
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Dryden Woodoil are:
Closed now
Opens in 16 Hr 37 Min
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I am MJ Collins Dawson
“The information given is incorrect..name, services which are free and voluntary, phone number. There are no set hours of opening. This site has not been authorised to list any of my details. Go to the national site for correct informaionabout Justices of the Peace.”
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“I found the owner David to be rude and the job was poorly done. I would recommend looking elsewhere.”