Dr Amitabh Singh is a young and emerging urologist who specializes in uro-oncology
Medical Specialists in New Delhi area
Robotic surgeon
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Sir Chotu Ram Marg, Rohini Institutional Area, Sector 5, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi, 110085
New Delhi
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Services offered since 2023
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Expertised in Medical Specialists
uro-oncology, robotic surgery
Areas serviced
prostate cancer, kidney cancer
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Opens in 22 hours 46 minutes
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About Dr Amitabh Singh is a young and emerging urologist who specializes in uro-oncology
Dr. Amitabh Singh is a young and emerging urologist who specializes in uro-oncology. He completed his fellowship in uro-oncology at the esteemed Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Center in Delhi.
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