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Diacks Nurseries Limited
Pet Shops in Invercargill, Southland area
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Our address
628 Tweed Street,
Southland, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 216 8265
03 216 8265
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered
Garages Carports and Sheds, Garden Centres and Nurseries, Greenhouses and Shadehouses, Hydroponics Supplies, Landscaping, Pet Shops
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Newfield, Invercargill Area
Payment options
MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Diner's Club, EFTPOS, Money Orders, Gift Vouchers, Personal Cheques, Cash
Additional info
Pet Food, Feed, Dog Food, Cat Food, Rabbits, Goldfish, Fish, Birds
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Diacks Nurseries Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 08:00am-05:30pm
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The lady there is a nasty piece of work
“My coins got jammed in the machine I asked her for help and I was just having a alight with my mates and she lost it and told me she wouldn’t help unless we stopped being dramatic and stop screaming when all we were doing is having a laugh and then she told me to not come back so definitely won’t be going back that’s for sure”
Terrible service
“Troy the (director) from STL Audio is unprofessional and is more interested in prioritizing his side business over his STL Audio customers. Makes promises he has no intention of keeping will say anything to close the sale and then he loses all interest in delivering any after-sales service. ”
Lazy unhelpful staff
“When you go in on a Saturday morning to buy parts for a Metro fire and told by the female staff member to come back on Monday because she doesn’t know the product code and she wasn’t even prepared to look the code up on the store computer. What is the point of having someone working in the store when they are too lazy to help a customer and they they don’t know what they’re doing? I told her I’ll go around to Mitre 10 and she replied “ that’s fine.””