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Darryl Riddick Builder
General Business in Hawera, Taranaki area
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Our address
10C Rata Street,
Taranaki, South Taranaki, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 278 4724
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Darryl Riddick Builder are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Shoddy work
“Wouldn’t wSte my time having these wannabe painters painting my assets. Kindergarten children could do a better job.”
Terrible service
“Troy the (director) from STL Audio is unprofessional and is more interested in prioritizing his side business over his STL Audio customers. Makes promises he has no intention of keeping will say anything to close the sale and then he loses all interest in delivering any after-sales service. ”
“Very disappointed ☹️ Over committed builder frequently off site , many projects on the go . Very expensive $80.50 per hour GST incl Failed to give an estimate Would not recommend.Stressful experience”
“Wow what a fantastic place to work for not!! It was so hard to take time off for my wife scan .. My daughter birth is worth more than running a stupid machine do you hear? Ok”
Very poor service from this firm
“A very poor service from this firm. Failed to pay interest on funds held in trust, took months longer than should have to resolve estate settlement, used excuses that were not acceptable or plausible, created unnecessary meetings costing more in fees, and finally acknowledged shortfalls in service and offered a discount but did not include in final invoice. This firm is not transparent and is very inefficient. I do not recommend this firm”