D7 Painting and Plastering Services Ltd
Painters and Paperhangers in Canterbury area
Guaranteed work and affordable prices!
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Our address
55 Hope St
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 397 3838
021 023 16396
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Services offered since 2018
Furniture Finishing and Repair, Home Improvement, Interior Decorators, Plasterboard Stopping, Plasterers, Roofing Maintenance, Spray Painting, Wallpaper, Water Blasting Services, Building, Painting & Plastering
Expertised in Painters and Paperhangers
Painting & Plastering
Areas serviced
Canterbury Region
Payment options
Bank Transfer
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business D7 Painting and Plastering Services Ltd are:
Opens in 7 day 8 hours 56 minutes
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About D7 Painting and Plastering Services Ltd
We are offering different kinds of services for a very affordable prices while achieving the highest quality aligned with customer preferences. Danny, who is the Director and a Master Painter NZ member, has more than 20 years of experience both in painting and plastering. We work hard to meet deadlines and have been into some major contracted jobs in Canterbury and Otago Region. Interior and Exterior Painting Interior Plastering Spray Painting Wall Paper Hanging Gib Fixing Water Blaster Maintenance Message me for a free quote.
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