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Cuff Anthony Plumbing Limited
Plumbers in Manawatu Region area
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Our address
10 Pirani Pl Palmerston North 4412,
Manawatu Region
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 355 8157
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Services offered
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Expertised in Plumbers
Repairs, Maintenance, Drainlaying, Installation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Takaro, Palmerston North Area
Additional info
Commercial, Dishwashers, Sinks, Showers, Toilets, Hot Water Heaters
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Cuff Anthony Plumbing Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Cuff Anthony Plumbing Limited
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“Diana is old school... contactable by home Ph & snail mail. We eloped from Aus 9 yrs ago & had never met face to face. Diana was fantastic! Professional yet fun. Personalised vows. Thanks Diana!”
“Don't trust Michael Smith as he is a trickster & a con-artist.He makes up completely fabricated stories & tells you want you want to hear - from some sick sense of satisfaction? Or just to be evil? ”
“I rate your business with no stars at all my mpv van picked up today 23 September 2019 wrecked inside covered in oil residue, van is running like crap.Your service is abosolute rubbish. ”
Awesome service
“We have been fortunate to have had such a wonderful honest lawyer who has worked for a few members of our family. Thank you Tony for doing such a thorough job.”
“Really helpful, huge selection of fonts and the engraving was superb.”