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Crowded House Bar and Cafe
Restaurants in New Plymouth area
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Our address
93 Devon St E,
New Plymouth
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 759 4921
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Our website
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Services offered since 1997
Bars and Brasseries, Cafes, Restaurants
Areas serviced
we are providing services in New Plymouth, New Plymouth Area
Payment options
MasterCard, American Express, EFTPOS, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Gift Vouchers, Personal Cheques, Cash, VISA
Additional info
Dine-in, Take Away, Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Fine Food, Families, A La Carte, Outdoor Dining, European, Wine
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Crowded House Bar and Cafe are:
Closed now
Opens in 13 Hr 1 Min
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Didn't really care
“I contacted tthem and the guy that answered fobbed me off and didn't even suggest anyone else to do the job. I understand you may be busy but they're is such a thing as customer service. Would never ring them again”
“Very disappointing. Had to wait 4 hours for them to send paperwork through . It appears that they are still using fax machine when new protocol asked 6 months ago not to and send emails instead.. lack of communication within each medical centers .”
Superb service over many years.
“I don’t know how Geoff does it but when he has been it is as though there is no glass in my windows they are so clean!!”
“Glad i found this website, i can talk about how great this man is! I cannot contain my monster in my pants due to this good man”
Judging, unaccepting, blaming.
“I really would not want anyone to have the same experience I did with this lady. She made blatant assumptions and judgments, accused me, and had little-to-no care for me or my wellbeing. Oh and she cut the appointment short as family were popping over.”