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Craig Walker Plumbing
Plumbers in Bay Of Plenty area
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Our address
Borell Rd Te Puna R D 2,
Bay Of Plenty
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
027 539 5432
Our fax
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Plumbers
Repairs, Maintenance, Drainlaying, Installation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Te Puna, Tauranga Area
Additional info
Commercial, Dishwashers, Sinks, Showers, Toilets, Hot Water Heaters
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Craig Walker Plumbing are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Non pick up of order
“order not picked up contact details on website are incorrect, so basically useless”
“Neil fixed my back my partner and also my dad.Also my partner Nana's neck he's amazing”
“Have an appointment for glass replacement @10:00am & it took them 6 hours and a half before they said that I can get the job done at 4:30pm. Very poor service ”
Car Inspection Service
“Great service from Anthony. Punctual, personable, and thoroughly professional. These guys come to you, and are available within a day or two - so no waiting. Totally recommended”