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Corrections Department Of
General Business in Auckland area
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Our address
17 Ratanui Street,
North Island,
New Zealand
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09 822 8850
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“Happy with the service every time, if there is ever a problem, there quick to solve it. Much better than any other retailer where there isn't any follow up service”
L&P Simpson
“Today we have had our house carpet cleaned by Jae Services in Gisborne. We are absolutely thrilled with the results and have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this company, in fact I asked them for some business cards so I could pass them on to anyone I heard of needing services such as theirs..”
“Very disappointed ☹️ Over committed builder frequently off site , many projects on the go . Very expensive $80.50 per hour GST incl Failed to give an estimate Would not recommend.Stressful experience”
Sabotaged my vacuum
“Clint or Clinton was asked to repair a Festool midi vacuum. The price was almost the cost of a new one to repair. I couldn’t afford it. I did get my own motor delivered for $164 inc gst. Problem is all the wires in side have been pulled and cut. I’m not a big company and think this is totally of order. Unprofessional, unethical and completely unnecessary.”