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Copas Plumbing and Electrical Limited
Waste Disposal in Napier, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
58 Munroe Street,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 835 7933
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered since 1963
Electricians, Plumbers, Sewage Treatment, Waste Disposal
Expertised in Waste Disposal
Recycling, Removal, Disposals, Collection
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Napier Area
Payment options
Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Direct Debit, Personal Cheques
Additional info
Rubbish Bins, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Wheelie Bins, Solid Waste, Collections, Appliances, Wheelie Bins, Landfills
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Copas Plumbing and Electrical Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 07:30am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Copas Plumbing and Electrical Limited
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“Hopeless, cancelled first appointment, no show for second appointment, don't answer the phones”
“It's rather impossible to have faith in someone who admits they've got you confused with another patient. ”
Cleaned up my trees and hedges
“Did a magnificent job in atrocious gale force southerlies and sideways rain. Left the section looking good with mess cleaned up.”
Neck and shoulder pain
“I have been going to Phillip for a few years now after many years of chronic pain. He's very good and I will be very sorry when he retires!”