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Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income
General Business in Wellington area
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142 Lambton Quay,
New Zealand
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04 499 7396
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Opens in 18 Hr 54 Min
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“John is an experienced lawyer who has worked to gain me a protection and parenting order. His diverse legal experience and knowledge is a huge asset. He was strategic, I’m very happy with results.”
“I do not recommend this valuer at all as not only are they more expensive than most other valuers, but they also gave us a really low value on our property, which was almost $100,000 less than 3 different real estate agents provided to us in their free market appraisals. The valuer also compared our property to mostly 2 bedroom houses when our house is 3 bedrooms and they still valued our house less than these properties. They also did not address the points that I raised in my email.”
“Amazing kind and knowledgeable doctor in the areas of occupational health and treatment”
“At last some one who will let you rumage through the crates with out being on your case. when you need help or information it is freely given, plenty of gems”
Thanks for standing with Aotearoa
“We appreciate your support in helping suppress the anti-vaxx protest at Parliament 👏👏👏”