Cleaners Commercial in Palmerston North area
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Our address
Unit 14 204 Ferguson Street, West End
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 888 7285
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Services offered since 2001
Cleaners Domestic, Home & Garden, Commercial Cleaners Palmerston North, commercial cleaning services
Expertised in Cleaners Commercial
Commercial Cleaners Palmerston North, commercial cleaning services
Areas serviced
Palmerston North
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Commercial Cleaners Palmerston North, commercial cleaning services
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business CommercialCleanersPalmerstonNorthconz are:
Today: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
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About CommercialCleanersPalmerstonNorthconz
CommercialCleanersPalmerstonNorth.co.nz provides top-tier commercial cleaning services in Palmerston North. Specialising in efficient, thorough cleanings, they cater to various business environments, ensuring spotless, hygienic workspaces tailored to each client's specific needs.
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Absolute Dogs
“These dogs took our hard working taxpayer money to help block in the protesters down in wellington. More worried about making a buck that their fellow countrymans freedom”
“1st fire lit after Popham 'cleaned' woodburner and flue it was not good! Part of Fire Dept report: Lumsden fire brigade was called to the address at 18:38 on the 16/04/2023. Occupier had evacuated the property and the smoke alarm was sounding. Upon investigation there was a heavy smoke load in the kitchen dining area and a BA crew was sent in to investigate further. It was found that the fire flue was blocked and on fire another crew was put on the roof with a hose reel to extinguish the fire.”
“I had two jobs that needed to be done. Guttering and a couple of drains needed to be sorted. Brokenshire plumbing did a great job. Friendly guys. I am very happy with the work done and service provided.”