Cleaners Commercial in Oamaru area
Commercial Cleaners
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Unit 12 191 Thames Street
New Zealand
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Services offered since 2003
Contractors General, Business
Expertised in Cleaners Commercial
Professional Office Cleaning
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Additional info
CommercialCleanersOamaru.co.nz specialises in providing exceptional commercial cleaning services in Oamaru, Otago. They offer tailored solutions for various sectors including offices, schools, retail, hospitality, healthcare, industrial sites, and fitness centers.
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business CommercialCleanersOamaruconz are:
Opens in 5 Hr 54 Min
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About CommercialCleanersOamaruconz
CommercialCleanersOamaru.co.nz specialises in providing exceptional commercial cleaning services in Oamaru, Otago. They offer tailored solutions for various sectors including offices, schools, retail, hospitality, healthcare, industrial sites, and fitness centers.
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Trucks travelling over speed liit
“Going through Inglewood between tawa st and Dudley roan, which is at present under road works of 30klm. This truck was going at least 60 klm or more towards Stratford at approx 12.15 to 12.40pm today. Please advise driver that police are being informed of speeding.”
Well hung definitely
“Excellent service, they did some wallpaper hanging for us. One of the wallpapers the pattern had to match exactly they did a brilliant job. The other wallpaper was dark blue lined it up beautifully for us. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone. Thank you Sandra”
Not good
“Didn't carry out the job I instructed him was worse off after Dave looked at it.”