Cleaners Domestic in Christchurch area
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6 Hazeldean Road, Addington
New Zealand
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03 288 9800
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Services offered since 2001
Cleaners Commercial
Expertised in Cleaners Domestic
commercial cleaning services, Commercial Cleaners Christchurch
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commercial cleaning services, Commercial Cleaners Christchurch
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business CommercialCleanersChristchurchconz are:
Today: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
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About CommercialCleanersChristchurchconz
CommercialCleanersChristchurch.co.nz excels in delivering superior cleaning services for schools, offices, and commercial properties across Christchurch. Their expertise ensures pristine environments, catering to the specific needs of each sector with professionalism and efficiency.
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“Jason has been outstanding to work with, he streamed my nanas funeral to numerous people online and videoed also. He was more than helpful and respectful all round. Highly recommend”
Hopeless Customer Contact
“You cannot call an individual store. You have to contact a call centre who will pass on your enquiry. This is 2023, not 1823.”
Verybad dishonest company
“As a tenant they had found a damage to side of a bedroom window which we never caused but because I had not taken photograph before moving in I had no evidence other than my word which they obviously were able to deduct from our bond when we left the property. They were also racist and assumed I was samoan when I'm not. Hate to say but if this company still exists I hope they burn down as it was the worst treatme t I've ever experienced.”
Friendly, great atmosphere
“Awesome staff, they are really attentive to the needs of their customers. I have a group that I take, and they really enjoy the food and service.”