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Colourplus Thames
Painting and Decorating Supplies in Thames, Waikato area
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Our address
448 Pollen Street,
Waikato, Thames - Coromandel, North Island,
Our phone(s)
07 868 6695
0800 733 030
Our fax
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Services offered 2013
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Expertised in Painting and Decorating Supplies
Paint Mixing, Consulting, Colouring, Colour Matching, Blending
we are providing services in Thames, Thames Area
MasterCard, VISA, American Express, EFTPOS, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Personal Cheques, Cash
Additional info
1 Hour Service, Varnish, Sanders, Rollers, Primer, Ladders, Finishes, Brushes, Air Compressors, Walls
The shopping hours and days of the business Colourplus Thames are:
Open Now
: 07:30am-05:30pm
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Neck and shoulder pain
“I have been going to Phillip for a few years now after many years of chronic pain. He's very good and I will be very sorry when he retires!”
Motor vehicle warrant and service
“found this business to be very friendly and helpful. Pleasant to deal with and very knowledgable”
Really great experience
“Mark is a friendly professional dental technician. I am thrilled with the work he did on my partial plate. So natural and given me back a big broad smile. 100 % recommend him. 👌”