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Clonmore Farmstays
Farmstays and Homestays in Cheviot, Canterbury area
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Our address
Domett Road,
Canterbury, Hurunui, South Island,
Our phone(s)
03 319 8303
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Services offered
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we are providing services in Domett, Cheviot Area
Additional info
Cottages, Farms, Self Contained, Non-smoking, Views, Home-hosted, Kitchen, Garden, Guest Rooms, Laundry Facilities, Animals, Hair Dryers, Refrigerators, Coffee Makers, Internet Access
The shopping hours and days of the business Clonmore Farmstays are:
Open Now
: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Good on you guys for sticking to your guns .How on earth could a doll be a symbol of racism ffs. ”
“HSL do not pay their debts. They have sublet the front factory and are now refusing to pay the lease due to financial difficulty. They can still pay a Lawyer to avoid paying their debt.”
“The 5 star review will very definitely be from the owners or a friend of theirs trying to encourage unsuspecting members of the public to come here. It's unsanitary. Kitchen filthy. Never been cleane”
“Experienced problem with their plastering work, contacted them to ask for repair. For last 4 months they have failed to answer emails, texts and phone calls. Therefore cannot recommend them.”