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City Fibreglass Limited
General Business in Tauranga area
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Our address
90 Birch Ave,
New Zealand
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07 578 3555
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Animals are constantly ill treated.
“To many animals are mistreated here. Read all reviews and then their website. States they are animal lovers but there is a difference between loving animals and understanding animals. Cooper was a intact 6 month old boarder collie who was left unsupervised with adults. Unfortunately he suffered over 100 bite marks around his body in a attack that the owners call "seconds".”
Absolutely fantastic service
“Had to get a car reprogrammed and new keys coded as well as a proximity key and Jason got stuck in and sorted everything out for me at home saving me a whole lot of time and extra expenses.i would recommend highly recommend him for his service and professionalism. Thank-you.”
“I bought pork sausages on my way home yesterday and best I've had in many a year.”
Absolute crap
“Just received a letter from this outfit for a family who left this address at least 20 years ago.”