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Christian Science Reading Room
Churches in Nelson area
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Our address
99 Collingwood Street,
South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 546 7559
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Churches
Sunday School, Bible Study
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Nelson, Nelson Area
Additional info
Youth Camps, Concerts, Retreats, Food Ministry, Potlucks, Choir, Family Nights, Music, Missions, Outreach, Prayer Meetings, Fellowships
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Christian Science Reading Room are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 30 Min
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This is what customers say about Christian Science Reading Room
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Creativity - amazing product
“An amazing product showing creativity and enginuity. Succinct and eye catching.”
“Had a fun team of members, caught a heap of fish but the Skipper is a miserable human. Basically nobody could do anything right all day. Wouldn't recommend unless you enjoy being sworn at a lot ”
Thank you!!
“Many, many NZers will be very grateful that your business was willing to assist as needed. I hope you go from strength to strength and”
“Belligerent and arrogant. Uncooperative with residents. If their service is anything like the way they treat the general public they are lucky to still be in business”