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Chemwash Whangerei
Cleaners Commercial in Maunu, Northland area
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Our address
9 Cemetery Road,
Northland, Whangarei, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 243 692
09 638 8345
Our fax
09 818 6553
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Chemwash Whangerei are:
Open Now
Today: 08:00am-04:00pm
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Went to him few years ago he was AMAZING
“Miss His Treatments and Guidance.I don’t drive anymore now.and it’s very difficult to get out to his rooms. BUT would definitely encourage folk to go see him with physical and mental health challenges. Miss you Johnny.”
Terrible service
“Troy the (director) from STL Audio is unprofessional and is more interested in prioritizing his side business over his STL Audio customers. Makes promises he has no intention of keeping will say anything to close the sale and then he loses all interest in delivering any after-sales service. ”
Not reliable at all
“This company in all the time Ive been with them now over two years (after such shocking service from waste management) are very unreliable - only twice has my bin been picked up on time !!! constantly late often sits out kerbside an entire month and only way is to email them - always quoting access issues/ or picking up other peoples bins and still being charged. EVERY MONTH I HAVE AN ISSUE - and their account/statement system is so confusing you cant keep up with their debits. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.”
Over priced electrician
“Reorganised kitchen lights and wired roof space light that was meant to have been done prior to house purchase. Charged extensively when compared to trade prices with reasonable mark up. We wouldn't usually quibble over similar trade work but the bill was quite substantial. Chris was adamant about the costs involved and wouldn't budge. Paid in full but won't use again. use again.”