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Checkpoint Systems Limited
Security Systems in Auckland area
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Our address
52 Grafton Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 801 845
0800 801 845
Our fax
09 304 1651
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
Security Services, Security Systems
Expertised in Security Systems
Video Surveillance, Video Security, To Customer Requirements, Surveillance, Security Monitoring, Rewiring, Management, Installation, Design
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Grafton, Auckland City
Additional info
Wireless Systems, Surveillance Systems, Shopping Malls, Video Recorders, Video Cameras, Surveillance Cameras, Sensors, Monitoring Systems, Gates, Entry Doors, Clothing, Checkpoint Systems, Alarms, Stores, Grocery Stores, Convenience Stores, Bottle Shops, Commercial, Radio Frequency Identification
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Checkpoint Systems Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 20 Hr 11 Min
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Thanks for standing with Aotearoa
“We appreciate your support in helping suppress the anti-vaxx protest at Parliament 👏👏👏”
Order and private delivery very well!
“With the order for my daughter's birthday, everything was absolutely perfect! Large selection of flowsers and the delivery arrived on time. Thank you very much, from now on no other supplier than Ammi Floral Design!”
WARNING: Misdiagnosed my pet
“WARNING: Blockhouse Bay Veterinary Centre misdiagnosed my pet and that resulted in premature death. Customer Service from the ladies on the front desk is non-existent – Too busy. It seems that somewhere down the line the owners of Blockhouse Bay Veterinary Centre, started concentrating more on the money than the service.”
Poor work and unprofessional behaviour
“They replaced my driveway and now my car scapes entering and exiting, council failed the surface water drainage they installed and HK Concreting (Phil Hurrell) went from we’ll fix it to ignoring my calls and emails. Look elsewhere.”