Chapel Park Dental
Dentists in Auckland area
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140 Chapel Rd, Flat Bush
North Island
New Zealand
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Services offered since 2006
Dental Services, Beauty, Care & Health
Expertised in Dentists
Teeth Cleaning, Preventive Care, Check-ups, Teeth Whitening
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Payment options
Q Card, Genoapay, PartPay, Credit Card, Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS
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Dental Hygienists, Extractions, Fillings, Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Crowns
Availability/ Opening hours
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Opens in 22 hours 2 minutes
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About Chapel Park Dental
Chapel Park Dental provides both family and cosmetic dentistry in Manukau using the latest tools and technology. Our dentists strive to provide patients with the highest quality of dental treatments. We will listen to your concerns and what you want in regards to your dental health and appearance. We provide a full range of general, cosmetic and emergency dental treatments. We welcome you to experience a superior level of care and service in our relaxed environment. We specialize in Cosmetic Dentistry, Crowns and Bridges, Dental Implants, Dentures, Fast Braces, Family & General Dentistry, Kids & Teens, Tooth Whitening, and Maxillofacial Surgery.
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This guy is a POS
“Evicted at 99: How Betty Hooper took her landlord to the Tenancy Tribunal https://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8&objectid=12455861”
“If you want to know the meaning of incapable, go to this place. The people are horrible and the service is second to nothing. The owner doesn't no what he is doing and the accounted cant read numbers”