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Central Orthotics Limited
Medical Clinics in Palmerston North area
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Our address
600 Main St,
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 356 3310
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Central Orthotics Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Quick/Slick West Coast based Service.
“Brilliant work..no fuss the job was done when I returned home after work. Great communcation. A very reliable honest service every time Jason has carried out work for me. 👍”
“Great job fixing Pajero speedo. Sent it down from Hawkes Bay because he did a great job on my cruise control a few years back. Well recommended”
“He must be drinking because his work is crap and he over charged me.”
“Have used this for years ,it’s the best of it’s kind on the market ,it gives almost instant relief.thank you.sheila Rolton ”
“I have suffers from miagrains migraines and have have several operations due to my spine.after a working with gina once it was like a miracle recommend her to anyone”