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Lawyers in New Plymouth, Taranaki area
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Our address
53 Brougham Street,
New Plymouth
Taranaki, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 757 2119
Our fax
06 757 2117
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Services offered since 2013
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Expertised in Lawyers
Legal Advice, Advice, Civil Litigation
Areas serviced
we are providing services in New Plymouth, New Plymouth Area
Additional info
Solicitors, Online Information, Consultations, Civil Law, Property Law, Business Law, Trade Law, Family Law, General Practice, Tax Law
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business CandMLegal are:
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Hello Miss Ashby
“My name is Raewyn Seamer and I am wanting some papers signed by a JP. Is it okay if I can come tomorrow to get the papers signed. My email address is [email protected]. and my phone number is 0211753255. Can you please send me your address so I know where to come if it is okay to get my papers signed. Thank you and kind regards to you, Yours Sincerely, Raewyn Seamer.”
“Did great work, in quick time, and made our garden look great. Will hire again and would recommend.”
Unable to contact
“Rung contact phone number a number of times and every time it rings then goes to disconnect. It says you are open until 5.00pm”
“Lovely shop great products shame customer service let’s business down.Store visited 12-12-18 dark hair mature woman served no personality very rude abrupt felt judged said $28 that’s it-won’t be back”