Builders in Milford, Auckland area
Best Home Builders & Home Renovating
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Our address
157A Kitchener Road
Milford, Auckland
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 224 628
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Services offered since 2014
Architectural Designers, Bathroom Design, Bathroom Fittings, Builders' Instruments, Building Maintenance, Building Plans, Building, builders in north shore, registered master builders auckland, certified builders, residential builder, renovations auckland, new home builder, house extension, deck builders north shore, recladding a house, draughtsperson, draughtsman, second story, builder north shore, builders north shore, north shore builder, renovation north shore, renovations north shore
Expertised in Builders
Building a home
Areas serviced
New Zealand
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business CainBuilt are:
Today: 08:00 am - 08:00 pm
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About CainBuilt
Are you looking for builders to renovate your home, add extensions or new builds & also who are certified, reach Cain Built. Cain Built are both Registered Master Builders and New Zealand Certified Builders Association (NZCB) accredited. Have a skilled & licensed certified staff at your service. We can suggest a reputable architect or draughtsman to help you transfer your thoughts and dreams onto paper. Visit now to know more about Cain Built.
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“Shoddy workmanship. Everything breaks 6mths + after job. Leaves work area dirty, other items broken, terrible attitude.”
Who cares about the little man
“Owner is rude, arrogant and a liar. doesn't care about individuals only wants large transport business.”