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Cafixr Auto Services Limited
Brake and Clutch Services in Hamilton, Waikato area
Contact name
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Our address
67 Lake Road,
Hamilton 3204,
Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand Edit -
Our phone(s)
07 847 0633
0272424892 Edit -
Our fax
No fax number yet. Edit -
Our website
www.cafixrautoservices.co.nz Edit
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Cafixr Auto Services Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 0 Hr 19 Min
Services offered since 2013
Automotive Repairs, Brake and Clutch Services
Expertised in Brake and Clutch Services
Honing, Overhauls, Tyre Services, Inspections, Machining, Replacement, Reconditioning
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Cambridge, Te Awamutu, Morrinsville, Frankton, Huntly, Raglan, Raglan Area
Payment options
Additional info
Clutches, Coil Springs, Shocks & Struts, Clutch Cables, Ball Joints, Brake Linings, Joints
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Absolutely crap
“Foul disgusting man, the king of bullshit would totally avoid at all cost!”
Amazing skilled stylists best cut in tow
“Affordable and efficient service, excellent work”
“In my 35 yrs building I have never seen such shoddyThis company needs to be taken to fair go. Total cowboys. Stay away from randle house movers. 245 for a wrecked house that won't pass building code. ”
Contact details missing
“Hello, I need whatsApp number, email or social media website to be able to contact Executive taskforce in Auckland”