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Buist Plumbing Limited
Plumbers in Broadmeadows, Wellington area
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Our address
42 Rajkot Terrace,
Broadmeadows, Wellington
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 477 3940
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered since 2003
Drainage, Plumbers
Expertised in Plumbers
Unblocking, Drainlaying, Maintenance, Installation, Renovations
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Broadmeadows, Wellington City
Payment options
Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Cash, Personal Cheques, Direct Debit, Money Orders
Additional info
Plumbers, New Houses, Drains, Residential
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Buist Plumbing Limited are:
Open Now
Today: 24 hr
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Very good
“I has no problem with cheques finance for long times”
“Very disappointed ☹️ Over committed builder frequently off site , many projects on the go . Very expensive $80.50 per hour GST incl Failed to give an estimate Would not recommend.Stressful experience”
Sponsor for Art
“Much appreciation for Callahan Transport being the sponsor of the 'peoples choice' award for 2022 Edge of the World art exhibition.”
I'm very disappointed
“worst wax !!! I never again visit this place. Bad services I won't recommend this place”
All talk unprofessional
“Doesn’t prepare doesn’t do what sad doesn’t respond to emails phone calls ver interested when first contact then useless seems collecting ACC fees is all good at”