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Browns Bay Olive Tree Motel and Apartment
Motels and Lodges in Auckland area
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Our address
24 Glencoe Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 929 4616
0800 002 486
+64 9 929 4616
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Services offered since 2013
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Areas serviced
we are providing services in Browns Bay, North Shore
Payment options
Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), EFTPOS, MasterCard, VISA
Additional info
3.5 Star, Motels, Hotels, Long Term Rates, Kitchens, Long Term, Short Term, 1-2 Bedroom, Beach, Alarm Clocks, Ironing Boards, Microwave Ovens, Cots, Coffee Makers, Heaters
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Browns Bay Olive Tree Motel and Apartment are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Browns Bay Olive Tree Motel and Apartment
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“Not professional at all, kept saying he would come quote the job, but never showed up, kept dicking us around, decided to give our money to someone more reputable, your loss!”
Very helpful very comfortable feet again
“Enjoyed the helpful service, very thorough check, video footage to show how I walk and move on my feet. Lots of helpful information, very happy to find a solution that was suitable for me and my budget, very friendly service will use again.”