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Brian Rofe Plumbing
Plumbers in Gisborne Region area
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Our address
Riverside Rd Gisborne 4010,
Gisborne Region
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 867 5292
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Services offered since 1990
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Expertised in Plumbers
Septic Services, Ductwork, Drainlaying, Ditching, Conversions, Connections, Code Compliance
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Gisborne, Gisborne Area
Payment options
Cash, Direct Debit, Personal Cheques
Additional info
Toilets, Sprinklers, Spas, Sinks, Showers, Hot Water Heaters, Dishwashers
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Brian Rofe Plumbing are:
Open Now
Today: 07:30am-05:00pm
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“If you want someone that cares for your pregnancy and the care of your newborn baby then I would NOT recommend Kerry Martin. She is not someone that you can rely on when you have a concern. ”
Hello Miss Ashby
“My name is Raewyn Seamer and I am wanting some papers signed by a JP. Is it okay if I can come tomorrow to get the papers signed. My email address is [email protected]. and my phone number is 0211753255. Can you please send me your address so I know where to come if it is okay to get my papers signed. Thank you and kind regards to you, Yours Sincerely, Raewyn Seamer.”
“She is not representing my son Trent Arapere very well, the judge should have all references & follow ups on him, although he has breached this time he has stayed off the drugs, out of trouble & tried to seek employment, striving to do well, I feel this should be reflected in a summary to the judge Marina, or shall we seek other options...Ps: are you or have you specialized in criminal law”
“Was disappointed to have the entire system sunk to at least 1m with holes still forming in my back yard within a day of the installation alongside the mess left behind. ”
“Excellent. Friendly family business with excellent food. Will definitely recommend them.”