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Blocks Painting Limited
Painters and Paperhangers in Palmerston North area
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Our address
20B Monrad St,
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 357 6719
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Services offered since 1960
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Expertised in Painters and Paperhangers
Repairs, Repainting, Renovations, Maintenance, Finishing, Consulting, Building Maintenance, Building, Brush Application, Airless Spraying
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Highbury, Palmerston North Area
Payment options
Personal Cheques, Direct Debit, Financing Available
Additional info
Decorators, Offices, Motels, Houses, Hospitals, Buildings, Family Rooms, Decks, Bathrooms, Commercial, Resene
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Blocks Painting Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 10 Hr 45 Min
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Very poor service
“Delivered all my concrete blocks to the wrong address”
“Storm Done our roof and it looks amazing great communication , reliable and a funny bloke. happy to recommend and will def support him in the future”
Please Explain
“Your customers are wondering "A nearby auto-mechanics building, Fitzgerald Auto Point on Grant Rd in Thorndon, acted as an off-site kitchen to prepare food for the protesters."”
“I visit Annie's when in Greymouth, An attractive lady with a great personality gives a very good mature service, always come away from Annies feeling very satisfied but drained 😊😊😊 I keep going ba”