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Blenheim Toyota
Panel Beaters in Blenheim, Marlborough area
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Our address
21 Main Street,
Marlborough, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 578 4319
0800 183 366
Our fax
03 578 0570
Our website
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Services offered
Automotive Parts, Automotive Repairs, Car and Truck Dealers New, Car and Truck Dealers Used, Panel Beaters
Expertised in Panel Beaters
Restoration, Touch-ups, Collision Claims, Windscreen Replacement, Body Work, Paint Matching, Exterior Painting, Refinishing, Welding, Repairs, Vehicle P
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Blenheim, Blenheim Area
Additional info
Panel Beaters, Chassis, Panelling, Plastic, State, NZI
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Blenheim Toyota are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Not professional at all, kept saying he would come quote the job, but never showed up, kept dicking us around, decided to give our money to someone more reputable, your loss!”
“Impossible to get hold of, collections now never on time, no apologies or comms from them (except their demands for payments in advance!). Going elsewhere.”
Please Explain
“Your customers are wondering "A nearby auto-mechanics building, Fitzgerald Auto Point on Grant Rd in Thorndon, acted as an off-site kitchen to prepare food for the protesters."”
“Number 8 dryer didn't dry the clothes at all ,was still damp... even tho we had the settings at high temp and was on for half an hour.”