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Big Noise Group Limited
Computer Services in Hastings, Hawke's Bay area
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Our address
501 Heretaunga Street West,
Hawke's Bay, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 876 9661
64 6 8769661
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Services offered since 1989
Internet and Online Services
Expertised in Computer Services
Data Backup, Disk Recovery, Support, Consulting, Systems Administration, Computer Cleaning, Security, Installation, Repairs, Networking
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Hastings, Hastings Area
Payment options
MasterCard, Cash, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), EFTPOS, VISA
Additional info
On-site Service, Hardware, Desktops, Laptops
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Big Noise Group Limited are:
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“Excellent service from the Lads here they know their stuff. Came up from tauranga and wasn't disappointed. Talk to Oliver there and he'll sort you out ! Great value for money ”
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“I have been using them since I arrived in NZ fifteen years ago. Since retiring 8 years ago I now live 40 km from them but still happily make the trip.It's a great team.”