Beautilase Pty Ltd
Medical Clinics in 34 area
Beauty Treatments
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Our address
34 Target Rd
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
6421 169 4975
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Services offered since 2014
Skin Treatment, Beauty, Care & Health, Truesculpt iD - permanent fat reduction, Fat Freezing
Expertised in Medical Clinics
Areas serviced
Payment options
Visa, EFT, Stripe, After Pay
Additional info
No additional info defined yet.
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Beautilase Pty Ltd are:
Opens in 2 day 23 hours 14 minutes
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About Beautilase Pty Ltd
Beautilase offers a bouquet full of beauty treatments that includes acne scar treatment, facial peels, RF micro-needling, laser hair removal, hair regrowth, tattoo removal and fat reduction treatments. We help our clients to improve their overall appearance from the inside out. We are providing dietary advice including raw food and gluten-free options, and supplements with high-grade pharmaceutical ingredients for cellular nutrition and antioxidant protection for optimum inner health.
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Needs to remove my cellphone number
“Number 021432294 my number I get a million calls asking if I’m halls cleaning service, update your shit”
Outstanding service
“Very caring an helpful going above and beyond”
Garbage software and a garbage owner
“Lincoln Falconer, one of the owners of this company is a crooked businessman who made millions of dollars harming people by forcing them to breathe in lukemia causing chemicals and shortening their lifespans. Type in "Interwaste Reddit" in to google and see for yourself. He knew this was happening the entire time and his "Strategic Vision" was to drive us out of our homes by filling up my building with poisonous chemicals and carcinogens, whilst rostering his staff so we only get 3-4 hours sleep”