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Bainbridge Building and Roofing Limited
Roofing Contractors in Marlborough Region area
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14 Alana Pl Witherlea Blenheim,
Marlborough Region
New Zealand
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03 579 3500
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“I would recommend Ace Floor Sanding if you want a first class job done. Greg sanded and polyurethaned our scungy kitchen floor to make it look fabulous. His communication was excellent. Jen- Karori”
Quick/Slick West Coast based Service.
“Brilliant work..no fuss the job was done when I returned home after work. Great communcation. A very reliable honest service every time Jason has carried out work for me. 👍”
“Happy with the service every time, if there is ever a problem, there quick to solve it. Much better than any other retailer where there isn't any follow up service”