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Bader Street Pharmacy First
Pharmacies in Hamilton, Waikato area
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Our address
5 Bader Street,
Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 843 5566
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Our website
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Bader, Hamilton
Payment options
MasterCard, Gift Vouchers, Personal Cheques, American Express, Cash, VISA, EFTPOS
Additional info
Essential Oils, Beauty Supplies, First Aid Kits, Dispensers, Make up, Nebulisers, Sunscreen, Diabetic Equipment, Hair Care Products, Vitamins, Disability Supplies, Breast Pumps, Health Care Aids, Herbal Remedies
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Bader Street Pharmacy First are:
Closed now
Opens in 7 Hr 51 Min
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This is what customers say about Bader Street Pharmacy First
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“Didn't turn up to set appointments, but turned up early at inconvenient times. No communication on changes. When complaint made after 2 weeks of requesting job, they refused to complete job and blacklisted us. Childish.”
Rapidly deteriorating in quality
“Do not care about client safety and comfort. Demanding tips in addition to ride price. With all my respect, they hire migrants who need any job, as I never heard about great taxi drivers from Somali. All management is single nationality and it is not a English, or Maori, or NZ European gentlemen - nothing against this fact, bit in our time of multicultural approach there should be some locals there? Most recent reviews are very negative, company is far from standards of profession...”
“Excellent service from the Lads here they know their stuff. Came up from tauranga and wasn't disappointed. Talk to Oliver there and he'll sort you out ! Great value for money ”
Consistently Great
“Been using this company for 6 years and Winstar has consistently provided great friendly service. Prompt and efficient. At a very reasonable price”
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