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Automotive Professional Services
Automotive Repairs in New Plymouth area
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Devon St E & Mangorei Rd,
New Plymouth
New Zealand
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06 758 5685
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Services offered since 2003
Warrant of Fitness
Expertised in Automotive Repairs
Tune-ups, Repairs, Oil Changes, Maintenance, Installation, Inspections
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Strandon, New Plymouth Area
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Steering Systems, Exhaust Systems, Quotes, Water Pumps, Suspensions, Starter Motors, Shocks & Struts, Radiators, Engines, Cambelts, CV Joints, CV Boots, Brakes
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“Blatant Wrong Change by $20.00. My 83 year old Aunt from Melbourne gave a $50.00 note to purchase items worth $26.00. Change amount should have been $24.00 but she is given on $4.00. Yes $4.00. ”
One word - results
“I am a busy mother of 5 children. Multiple times I have put my back out or my neck either during pregnancy or if I've lifted something too heavy. Lynette at Hobsonville Chiropractor has been incredible at helping my body to go back to normal, Lynnette seriously has saved me from having to deal with excruciating pain, she is highly professional nd really cares. My 5 kids get adjusted a few times a year. I find they sleep better and their moods are much better after their appointments.”
Terrible and dishonest.
“On purchasing a Subaru Outback, faults were found in an AA report which were promised to be fixed before pickup. They lied saying they had fixed them before the sale when they had not done so. On pick up of the car, I found further engine faults which they promised to rectify however never have, even with multiple follow up calls. Do not buy a vehicle from them, they are not trustworthy. They are a mechanic shop selling multiple cars under the pretence that that had been their personal vehicles.”
Do not have these lawyers represent you
“Never listen fob you off & never get good results”
Double glazing retrofit
“We had 12 windows and frames retrofit in our house, Ian and his team were very friendly. The entire removal and installation took less then a day, we were very satisfied with the finished product.”