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Auto Recovery Services Towing
Breakdown and Towing in Whangarei, Northland area
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12 Finlayson Street,
Northland, North Island,
New Zealand
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09 438 1047
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I'm very disappointed
“worst wax !!! I never again visit this place. Bad services I won't recommend this place”
Always an amazing destination !!
“Knowledgeable staff and nothings too much trouble !! Certainly so very unusal plants and nice grades of bigger plants for that more instant look !!Definitely worth a visit.”
“Hans Mitt didn't quality to practice architecture in Australia which is why he practices in NZ. Not recommended ”
“Excellent service, couldn't fault anything, Tony arrived on the site when he said he would, on time and did an excellent job. He left no mess and where he had been working was spotless. Thanks Tony, you will do well.”